EPSCoR BREE: Mycoremediation Pilot
for Watershed Restoration
2018 - 2019
Project Description

- Stropharia rugoso-amnulata did reduce E.coli #'s
- Both direct contact with SRA mats & enzyme exudates reduced E. coli #s
- Mycelial mats potentially mineralize and release Phosphorus
- Mycelial mats were potential nursery sites for other microbes
More lab research is needed before we would apply them to local hot spots.
- Assess how King/Queen Stropharia (Stropharia rugoso-annulata) fungi form mycelial mats.
- Gather quantitative data to determine if Stropharia rugoso-annulata (SRA) mycelial mats reduce CFU’s of E. coli in dairy effluent slurry.
- Determine if mycelial mats of SRA affect nutrient cycling.
- Stropharia rugoso-amnulata did reduce E.coli #'s
- Both direct contact with SRA mats & enzyme exudates reduced E. coli #s
- Mycelial mats potentially mineralize and release Phosphorus
- Mycelial mats were potential nursery sites for other microbes
More lab research is needed before we would apply them to local hot spots.